


General use of the hotel

Can I bring visitors up to my room to talk?

Guest rooms are for the use of guests only. Please meet any visitors in the lobby.

Can I leave my luggage with you before checking in/after checking out?

Yes, depending on the hotel, we can keep it for free or for a fee.
The check-in period is limited to the day of check-in and check-out. We cannot accept items that are too big, large amounts of luggage, or items that require freezing or refrigeration.
For more information, please contact each hotel.

checking in/checking out

I am going to arrive later than the check-in time I gave when booking.

If you are going to arrive later than your scheduled check-in time, please call the hotel to let them know.

Can I checkout later?

If you wish to request a late checkout, please call a member of staff. If you are a SOTETSU HOTELS CLUB app member, you may delay your checkout time from 11:00 to 12:00 free of charge.

Can I check-in earlier?

Please ask the staff if you wish to do this.
We may not be able to accommodate your request depending on the cleaning status of the rooms. We ask for your understanding in advance.

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