- 相鉄フレッサイン
- 相鉄フレッサイン 日本橋茅場町
- スタッフブログ
- 2月の大雪
寒い冬は、ホテルの暖かい部屋でゆったりと過ごしたいですね~ 最寄り駅から徒歩1分、相鉄フレッサイン日本橋茅場町でご予約をお待ちしております😊
Exactly one week ago, on February 5th, it snowed heavily in Tokyo, and the hotel was covered in snow.Many guests came to the hotel covered in snow. ⛄ The night staff was also busy shoveling snow to prevent anyone from slipping and getting hurt... Everyone was relieved that the night passed without incident. This photo was taken by a staff member from outside after work.
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