
Important News

[Update on August 7th, 2023]Messages Sent from Our Hotel That Direct the Recipient to a Suspicious Website

We confirmed in the late at night of August 4, 2023 that an unidentified person sent messages that direct the recipient to a suspicious website to some of our guests who booked a room in our hotel through Booking.com.
We do not send messages that direct our guests to a suspicious website. If you receive such message, we ask that you do not access the website link provided in the message.

In response to this situation, we have changed our password for logging into the management system of Booking.com and we are temporarily refraining from accepting new reservations via Booking.com.
Working together with Booking.com, we are currently trying to identify the cause. We will update you once the details become clear.

[Update on August 7th, 2023]
After changing our password for logging into the management system of Booking.com, we have resumed to accept new reservations.
Sotetsu Fresa Inn Nagoya-Sakuradoriguchi 

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